Sylvia De Leon

Camila | CCHS Senior

Sylvia De Leon
Camila | CCHS Senior

A high school senior, and boy was it a rude ending to their school year.

This class had so much stripped away from them, they lost memories that should have been made Spring 2020. It was a touch time for photographers. I pictured us running around lost because we had things scheduled for Spring. Weddings, events, senior sessions, portraits and all kinds of events. While some cancelled immediately others decided to keep their session. Camila and Irene were one of the few who decided to press on and I am so glad we did. These images are fun, and Camila is just a sweetie pie. I have known her since she was in 7th grade when I started teams and still was able to photograph the team. Little did I know then that it would be my last time photographing teams. So I am sure we both were glad to have gotten these in before we were called to shut down our businesses. Our God is good, now we are back and working. It’s all because of Him! Enjoy her session, it’s what every High School girl in a small town should resemble <3
