Isanelli | Hotel Eilan + Downtown SA
How do you handle things that are a challenge?
Do you handle them a day at a time? Do you work on them all at once? I remember being the individual that could knock everything out in one day. My outlook on life has changed since that once 21 year old kid. I now take my time and remember that Quality is more important that Quantity. The photography industry has grown so much and at the same time required so much from us. Gone are the days when you captured the photo on film then developed the photos and individuals would come to your shop to purchase them. NOW, we have so much that goes into it. You may ask what this has to do with Isanelli’s Session. I’m tying it in because she is a Quad, meaning her Mom and Dad were very busy trying to multitask to raise a great group of kids. I feel that my Business is alot similar, you have to take care of it and guide it everyday for it to become successful and grow to it’s potential! Next few blogs, I will add the many things we as photographers have to do before, during and after the shoot! For now, Enjoy these beautiful photos of this young lady! Miss Isanelli!
Second Location! Downtown SA! OMG, So love these next shots. You’ll see the beautiful flowers and greenery. It was a blast!!