Sylvia De Leon

Aleigha | Downtown Carrizo

Sylvia De Leon
Aleigha | Downtown Carrizo

The world needs more nurses filled with love and compassion! They are a true blessing to the people.

In the time that I have taken days off from my work to become closer to God, I have learned how to become better at prayer. There was a time that someone I knew was fighting Covid in the hospital. Hearing their story broke my heart. To hear that the treatment they were receiving was distant, horrible, almost borderline neglect all because they had the virus. As soon as I heard this story, I prayed to our Heavenly Father to send him a nurse that cared, one that wasn’t afraid of this virus and one who was fearless. A woman of Faith and a woman of God. That she stand by the person and care for them. I asked the Lord to send one of his Angels to help and not only this individual but all the other individuals who were going through the same experience. One person really can make a difference, a little care goes a long way in a season of suffering and I hope that Aleigha will be just as God wants us to be.
