Sylvia De Leon

Kaylee's PreQuince at The Hemisfair

Sylvia De Leon
Kaylee's PreQuince at The Hemisfair

Today's gloomy with a little mix of sunshine reminded me so much of Kaylee's Session! I am a late shooter so starting at around 4 was very very different for me. I am always about a good challenge and going out of my comfort zone. I loved the way I was able to capture Kaylee's GORGEOUS gown! I had so much fun with her and her awesome family. Hope you all enjoy these. They are special!! <3


My first reaction to her dress was "Woah!" I am a sucker for a gown with a dramatic tail! I had to capture it ALL!!


Saving the best for last, because ti was Kaylee's favorite part of the location. She loved the waterfalls and that is what totally inspired her to choose it.

I don't know when I will return to Hemisfair Park, I am okay with it if it won't be for awhile because this was a beautiful session and I am not sure if I could top it! Thank you Kaylee and the family for coming out to help and make this day special for Kaylee!!