Analiz | A Styled Shoot in Port Aransas

I am totally IN LOVE with this small set of images!
Literally a dream to shoot this one. This shoot was inspired and dedicated to my beautiful Momma! From the beach to the style of the homes. I put much thought to all the details. I remember a trip we took to the beach; it was the most fun I ever had with my Mom. I was older, in my mid 20’s and I was excited about this trip. It turned out to be everything I wanted as a memory with Mom. We walked the beach, we rode the cart, we hung out in our swimsuits, we ate good food and we had just the best time. I wanted to go back to the beach. This time Mom wouldn’t be standing by the pier or sitting by the water. This time I was going alone.
After the shoot, Analiz and I swapped stories. Her grandma had just passed, and she was such an important person in her life. And I understood her.
As the sun went down, I went back to the pier, and I sat by the water, and I missed Mom. I talked to God. I believe that evening helped me in my healing. I created these shoots not knowing that through expressing myself I would also heal little by little.
Thank you Analiz for being an amazing Model and person! I love them so much!