Things Change.

You are always welcome here, to a space where you can be yourself.
The title: “Things Change,” because they always are. Many times it’s things that are not in our control that tend to make us roll our eyes and sigh. What about the things that we do have control over? Things like time, habits, personal growth.
I made an investment a couple of weeks ago in my photography business and most importantly in myself. There is always that moment that causes us to finally say, “Things have to change!” and you take action. I loved photography and had awesome clients BUT there was something missing. I realized that I needed GROWTH in my business. I had experienced a lot over the last 8-10 years and I was ready for something new. I wanted to work with other people in this business. I was ready to come out of the shell and go on some new adventures and do things in my business that Sylvia 3 years into photography wouldn’t have looked at.
I had an opportunity and after lots of research and thinking, I did it. I joined KT MERRY on this quest for my WHY in this business. It has made me dig deep into the experience that I want to give people through my work. All while helping me to change my habits to later produce some game changing results. THAT IS THE PLAN. Through TAP (The Abundance Plan), I know that amazing things can happen for my business. I have already met and connected with such amazing photographers and entrepreneurs who are also working towards some awesome goals. We talk and share our viewpoints. We encourage each other and hold each other accountable for what we said we were going to do. I can’t imagine having passed up this opportunity. I am so glad I didn’t, it was exactly what my business needed.
There will be CHANGE, lots of it. There will be GROWTH. I look forward to it.
Dress: Magnolia Boutique Cameras: Polaroid 250 Land Camera + DianaF+